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Speak Out for An Act Reducing Plastic Bag Pollution

In Massachusetts, the popular bill to reduce single-use plastic bags has passed the Senate and is about to be brought up by the House Speaker for a vote.  Meanwhile Governor Baker sounds reluctant with unsubstantiated claims that grocery bills will go up and “Mom and Pop stores” will suffer.

What’s your reason for implementing a ban on single-use plastic bags? Please tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Below are some of the many comments pouring into the Ocean River Institute. We will compile into one powerful sincere letter to Governor Baker and to House Speaker DeLeo to reduce plastic pollution. 

Plastics befoul our landscapes. The small beach near me in Gloucester is beautiful, but plastics wash up each day. I pick up what I can. More importantly, we need to support life in our oceans, not kill it with ingested plastics. The “convenience” of plastic for a moment’s use cannot be allowed to continue when it impacts the health of our planet and all that dwells therein.

Patricia B., Gloucester, MA


A compromised ecosystem is a compromised economic system. What minor setbacks businesses experience pales next to the major benefits needed to stop toxic damage from the abundance of single use plastics. Support this bill. Please.

Julianne R., Lexington, MA


This is a fair and reasonable bill. As a member of the Newton Needham Regional Chamber, I don’t want to impose a burden on small businesses. This bill is designed to keep small businesses from being hurt. We need to protect the oceans marine life from being damaged and from polluting our drinking water. This bill will help. Please sign it. Thank you.

Peter S., Newton, MA


We must make every effort to reduce plastic waste–which takes hundreds of years to biodegrade–and is poisoning our waterways and oceans. The time to act is now. If Trader Joe’s can put out biodegradable plastic bags at their stores, every other store can do the same. Stop plastic waste.

Sybil S., Natick, MA


Please set a precedent in ending plastic in our oceans. What an opportunity to lead the way!

Jay S., Asheville, NC


I have tried to decrease my plastic use and I no longer even use straws when I eat out at restaurants. The horrible photos of sea life with straws in their noses or plastic embedded in their shells have made me want to help clean up our environment and oceans and plastic is a huge contributor to the pollution that harms wildlife. Please reduce plastic pollution.

Robin C., Plain City, OH


These bags are an environmental and aesthetic disaster, and they are so unnecessary. I’ve been using my own cloth bags for decades now; it’s easy and practical. And you never have to look at them hanging in rags from trees or floating in our waters, where they can and do harm wildlife.

Amanda Sue, Olympia, WA


While plastic makes things quick, easy and convenient, we need to look past immediate gratification towards long range goals. It is going to take much more than a small group of environmentally conscious people to prevent major crisis. Banning plastics will help to prevent contaminated drinking water, loss of wildlife, and a reduction in trash that litters our cities.

Colleen T., Londonderry, NH


We never knew, when plastics became the thing to ‘get into’, how it would all pan out. We are now seeing the devastating and fatal consequences of our frivolous use of the stuff. It’s in everything. So please be part of the solution to begin removing it from as many places as possible so that there can be a chance to heal our environment. We may never be pristine again, but we can sure put our efforts toward cleaning up the madness. Thank you.

Lacey C., Houston, TX


I recall the days before plastic bags. Trash was collected curbside in metal cans. Most people brought net or cloth bags with them shopping and stores provided paper bags for purchases. Plastic is everywhere and in everything including sea and wildlife. It must stop. We need to reverse the everyday availability of plastic bags immediately; there is just no reason for this excess. By the way, I turn 60 this year. Plastic bags have only been around for a few decades. People will adjust as will the manufacturers lobby.

Carol J., Bloomingdale, NJ


I very much miss the days when governments encouraged civic duty–like the Keep America Beautiful Campaign–begun by Lady Bird. It made me feel proud and part of America. Instituting this law equals Massachusetts Strong. We need to see our strengths in more intrinsic ways other than fighting terrorism or attracting business. This is an opportunity for Massachusetts to encourage civic pride and unity with fellow state citizens to play an important part in making your commonwealth both beautiful and healthy. Then maybe backwater states like mine will follow your lead.

Benita C., Burgettstown, PA


In 32 years, plastic will outweigh fish in our oceans. This problem will not stop until we eliminate all the plastic bottles and bags and food containers that we possibly can. Obviously that affects rivers as well. We must do everything we can to stop using plastic wherever we can–or kill all of our marine animals and by extension the humans who eat them. Plastics contain toxins that are deadly to all species as well as the water we need to survive. Please sign this critically important Act Reducing Plastic Pollution.

Dana M., San Diego, CA


We are long overdue on making a major effort to reduce plastic pollution. When our US government does not take the reins – then States need to – for the sake of our environment, for the sake of our future generations. I don’t live in your State, but what happens in your State and all other US States affects us all. We all must do all we can – I hope you will do all you can to reduce plastic pollution.

Linda M., Edmonds, WA


I went to Mt. Ida College and like to vacation out your way and have recently noticed a horrible increase in plastic pollution and it needs to stop! This is a great first step, but please work on even more measures to protect your precious state.

Joyce S., Sun City, AZ


All coastal areas are experiencing a surge in plastic pollution. This has impact on the health of all marine organisms and potentially humans as well. As Massachusetts also benefits from coastal travel revenues, it’s also important to not have shredded plastics floating on the shorelines of travel destinations!

Kathleen O., Indianapolis, IN


Plastic bags are DEADLY to marine life. There have been whales that have washed up on beaches that died because their stomachs were full of plastic bags. These precious lives should not have to die needlessly when WE can do something to keep them from dying. Please sign H.4324 and which will help to prevent more deaths and will not hurt mom and pop stores, nor will retailers have to pay a mandatory fee to provide customers with reusable or recycled paper bags. This bill is a good one especially if it means saving the lives of marine life. Thank you for taking my comments into consideration.

Judith C., Peoria, AZ


I live in a suburb of Seattle. My city and many others in the area have already outlawed plastic bags. From the shopper’s standpoint, it is quite an easy transition. Stores can offer cheapie-99 cent reusable bags (our stores sell their cheap, cloth-like bags made from recycled plastic bags- and also sell nicer, thick, reusable vinyl bags with attractive colors and designs. Doesn’t take long for each shopper to build a little collection of these reusable bags, and just takes a little longer for a person to get in the habit of actually bringing them into the store. There were a few times at first when I forgot bags at home, or they made it into my car but I forgot to bring them into the store. I am now fully trained, and about 99% of the time, I remember to bring my collection of reusable bags into the grocery store when I do my shopping. Totally worth the trouble to know the impact my city is making with this one little change. And, let’s not kid ourselves; this is a teeny, tiny change in the scheme of things. But if we humans are going to have any hope of saving our planet from our destructive ways, we need to start with this change, and then start quickly stacking other planet-saving changes on top of it. Do the right thing. Ban plastic bags. Consider it a first step for your state.

Stella K., Shoreline, WA


I believe all it would take to remove your doubts about banning plastic bags is reading and seeing pictures of how serious the plastic contamination of our oceans and earth has become. When areas of our oceans as large as Massachusetts are swarming with more plastic than life, we’ve gone way too far, and must stop the introduction of plastic at all levels.

Thomas T., Anthony, NM


Here in Austin, Texas, we instituted a single-use bag ordinance about 5 years ago. Although at first controversial, it has operated so successfully that when our brain-dead Texas State Supreme Court recently declared it against state law, all the local major retailers appear that they will observe the ordinance’s provisions VOLUNTARILY going forward. The people of Austin have no complaints!

Craig N., Austin, TX


People who shop have options other than plastic bags to carry home their groceries. There are cloth bags designed for this purpose and also in Minnesota grocery chains sell a cardboard box that can be used over and over for the groceries. Each time it is used the person gets a 10 cent discount. The plastic bags cost the grocery approximately 3 cents per bag. They will recover this cost by placing an increased price on other items sold in the store. Why should this be added on grocery’ bills when they may be avoiding plastic bags? It is time to ban single use plastic bags.

Linda P., St. Cloud, MN


If our planet is only as healthy as our oceans, we are in trouble. Studies have shown that at its current rate, plastics will outnumber fish by 2050. Something as simple as eliminating single use plastic can sure help, as well as encouraging biodegradable plastic use. I’ve been taking my own shopping bags to stores for several years, and it presents no problem for me. In fact, it makes me feel good I am doing what I can for our oceans every time I use it. Since the ocean is so important to the fishing and tourist industries, I urge you to support H.4324.

Phyllis V., Vero Beach, FL


I do my job in North Carolina to reduce and recycle, not only at home by using our own reusable cloth bags but at the food bank where I volunteer by personally collecting and recycling as many plastic bags as I can. By merely signing this bill you can accomplish so much more.

Kicab C., Chapel Hill, NC


Many customers have purchased eco-friendly reusable grocery bags from businesses that provide them. My state Maine has championed this plastic pollution very effectively decreasing plastic bags and offering paper bags or charging .5 cents for each plastic bag an uninformed customer may inadvertently choose. Please support this common sense bill/act. We must prevent and heal what these plastics have injured for the sake of our children and our planet. Thank you for your consideration.

Autumn B., Bowdoin, ME


Plastic, once placed into the ocean or a landfill, will remain there for essentially forever. In oceans, it kills sea creatures and seagulls alike, with sea life becoming entangled in plastic; as for seagulls, they–along with other aforementioned sea life–frequently have plastic items trap their mouths shut, either by enmeshing the mouth in plastic or by having mouths, noses, and/or beaks stuck inside of things like plastic yogurt containers and/or the plastic webbing that holds together six-packs of liquid items like soda. All the same things are true on land as well at sea. Furthermore, plastic is dangerous to humans in other ways.

Bree P., Houston, TX


Plastic pollution is not just an eyesore. It is a life-threatening contaminant to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. You have probably seen distressing images of birds, sea turtles, and other creatures entangled in man-made plastic waste and slowly, painfully dying from plastic holders for 6-pack beverages from which they are unable to free themselves without human assistance. Plastic pollution has other consequences. Over time plastic degrades and releases various chemicals into the environment, some of which may be toxic. In the open ocean plastic has become a critical health and environmental issue worldwide. Plastic in its many forms is also a visual eyesore that pollutes the water and the land and dilutes the beauty of the world we live in. Please support H.4324, An Act Reducing Plastic Pollution. Thank you.

Dana C., Norwood, MA


The only way to curb plastic pollution in our environment is preventing it from entering the supply chain. Consumers deserve better and there are innovative choices when it comes to single use plastics now that are biodegradable and less toxic for everyone.

Melissa H., Newport, NC


Plastics are only recyclable 2 or 3 times at most. A majority of plastics don’t even get recycled but end up in landfill, or as pollution. Micro-plastics are already in our water supply. For our future, I implore you to ban single-use plastic bags and then, go further and ban single-use water bottles. Thank you

Anne Marie M., West Chester, PA

211 responses on “Speak Out for An Act Reducing Plastic Bag Pollution

  1. Yazmin Gonzalez

    No more plastic pollution! Its killing wildlife, destroying the environment and poisoning our food supplies worldwide.

    1. Laura Guttridge

      We are loosing our war with plastic. It’s choaking the ocean. A whale recently washed ashore dying, and throwing up plastic bags. After an autopsy…..over 80 plastic bags were found in the poor animals stomach. Marine animals mistaken plastic bags, and balloons for jelly fish. This is terribly sad, and we need to do all we can to help stop it.

    1. Peter S. Mulshine

      Paper bags provide more jobs for out of work Americans to drive around & pickup paper.In 1990 I was earning $20 a week off of the newspapers my dad read every week.I would take a trunkload in & get gas $$$ for the week to look for work.

  2. Vivien Steele

    Please protect the future of our environment and our health by banning single-use plastic bags and ALSO single-use water bottles! There are better substitutions available that are biodegradable and not toxic. Thank you!

  3. Melanie S., Syracuse, NY

    Please take a lead to get rid of single use plastic bags. I am sick of seeing them blowing in the wind, hooked on trees, polluting our oceans, and putting wildlife and ocean life at risk.
    We also need to ban single use plastic bottles and straws. They are all a terrible assault to our environment.

  4. Mari Mennel-Bell

    Plastics are only recyclable 2 or 3 times at most. A majority of plastics don’t even get recycled but end up in landfill, or as pollution. Micro-plastics are already in our water supply. For our future, I implore you to ban single-use plastic bags and then, go further and ban single-use water bottles. Thank you.

  5. Tom Stark

    Plastics have a 1/2 life similiar to used fissionable material. This is more wonderful products from the petroleum industry that will last forever but only used once. Plastics need to be made biodegradable or outlaw them outright or strict contnrols placed on their use.

    1. Rob Moir, Ph.D. Post author

      Yes, a part of the bill is to extend the life of plastic products and then when its time figure out how that item can become part of another product. The goal is not to keep plastics away from people it is to keep plastic out of the waste stream. Keep your Tupperware.

  6. Laura Troll

    It’s interesting to note that Aldi’s and BJ’s find Massachusetts a good place to do business and neither offer bags of any material. As to Baker’s concern for small markets, how can not having to purchase bags be an added expense? And if not stores are supplying paper bags, every one is on an equal footing.

    1. Rob Moir, Ph.D. Post author

      Right, Baker’s concern for small markets is classic Republican double speak when the concern is really with industry. The rules make it clear, there’s no ambiguity of what stores need to do.

  7. William Mitchell

    Please ban the use of single use plastic bags and bottles. They are very harmful to marine life and the environment.

  8. Elizabeth

    It is simple, plastics never go away. They so slowly break down into smaller and smaller pieces and then are ingested by everyone. And that is after having done so much other damage in their everlasting lifetime.
    Single use plastics should be banned, especially the ubiquitous plastic grocery tote.

  9. Sandra Reeves

    I am 78 and remember when there we no plastic bags. I remember when we were asked paper or plastic in the grocery stores. Now we know better if I had only know the harm plastic would do! Thought I was saving trees. Too many marine animals have dies because of those decisions. Sign the bill!

  10. William McMullin

    Plastic bags are killing our wildlife and us. Plastic bags slowly break down into toxins. It’s time to ban plastic bans.

  11. Crystal Mitchell

    It is very important to stop the plastic items being dumped either in the ocean or just in general on the planet. It is causing hard to wild animals, both in the ocean and not. Please consider this bill.

  12. Pasquale Vairo

    Perpetuating a throw-away society is irresponsible and morally wrong. It goes against everything ingrained in us from day-1 by out parents, schools, religions, and society. Waste not, want not.

  13. Patricia Koehler

    No more plastic bags. It’s destroying our planet and its precious ocean and wildlife. We need to do something now to preserve our planet before it’s too late. Please sign this bill.

  14. Doreen Tignanelli

    When in Great Barrington, we shop and appreciate the fact that they have banned plastic bags. It is no big deal to bring your own bag once you get used to it.

  15. Barbara Miller

    Plastic bags are destroying our environment. They clog our waters, litter our fields and forests, and cause irreparable harm to our wildlife. Each of us must do all we can to stop this plague.

  16. Michelle Kaufman

    The public is ready for this action. We look to you to take the lead. I was in Ireland and England last summer and they charge 10 cents/bag which sends a strong message to bring your own when you shop. I proposed a ban on single use plastic bags with the additional charge of 10 cents/bag here in Vermont and I’m hoping it goes through. Not only are people more environmentally conscious when it hits them in the pocket, but the revenue from the bag charge can be used to help pay for other environmental areas that need attention. Please be a leader and we will support you!

  17. harv buchman


  18. Nina Wouk

    Cruelty to animals is wrong. Waste plastics that kill or injure animals are inherently cruel. People are careless and will waste whatever they can. Animals will be better off it people don’t have the opportunity to waste plastic. Besides, there are other ways to carry things, so there is no need for single use plastic bags.

  19. Jared Howe

    Single use plastic is killing our ecosystem, especially the ocean. Banning plastic bags is the low hanging fruit. We can and we must do better.

  20. rebecca tippens

    The tragedies that are happening to critters in particular because of plastic pollution are unconscionable…and the dangers connected with small fish who consume minuscule amounts of plastic materials are harmful to all on the food chain. WE HAVE TO BE AWARE OF THE AFFECTS OF OUR ACTIONS AND CHANGE THOSE THAT CAUSE HARM!

  21. Takako Ishii-Keifer

    Plastic is so cheap and convenient but killing our environment. We need better alternative; we need clean water, air and wildlife for us to live healthy.

  22. Chris Bartle

    Please sign this bill and let’s relegate the notion of single use plastic where it belongs: the realm of bad ideas now discarded. Harmful to the ocean and just as importantly harmful to the notion of taking responsibility for what you do in the world and leaving it a better place than when you came.

  23. Cara Schmidt

    In Massachusetts we throw away an estimated 2 billion plastic bags every year. This works out to be about 250 plastic bags per foot of Commonwealth shoreline.

    Plastic bag pollution is a deadly problem for aquatic and marine life, including sea turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Beachgoers frequently encounter plastic bag pollution.

    These thin-film plastic bags contain harmful toxins. They break down slowly, taking hundreds of years to fragment into micro-pieces that are nearly impossible to clean up and can contaminate drinking water. The use of re-usable bags is better for everyone & more cost effective. Be smart- save our world.

  24. Marj Waite

    UNLESS these bags are actually paper we don’t need, nor want them in our world for any purpose. Despite what our currant childlike Politian’s want to believe, we are the care takers of our world and need to stop producing and using so many toxic products that aren’t and won’t be, disposed of properly, therefore ending up in our soil and water. We are losing so many species and experiencing so much extreme weather we should know better by now. And as long as these and you, current children proceed with your greed and lack of concern it can only get worse. So, please take your first responsible step and stop the further production of these plastics.

  25. dorina cragnotti

    It’s time we stopped allowing plastic to pollute our world! Plastic straws and bags end up in our trees, lakes, oceans and in the stomachs of sealife. Please, let’s put a stop to this.

  26. JL Angell

    Despite the corporate fears expressed by those lobbying in CA, the transition here to not get plastic bags has been easy and most stores stock decent reusable ones…even easier than the transition to recycling bottles and cans. Given all the evidence on harms to the environment, it is an easy pro-public and environmental health choice which also saves money by reducing what goes in landfills.

  27. JL Traweek

    Dear Governor, I’m a Virginian who loves visiting and touring your beautiful state. In so many ways MA has been in a leader in progressive initiatives. Please show other seaboard states your successful leadership one more time.

  28. Fay Payton

    It is well past time for every state to jump into this fracas. It’s a necessary step to protecting our lands and our oceanic ecosystems. It can be done. It has been done in other places. The results are quite telling. Please sign this bill and be a supporter of our world rather than of the industries that deny the required changes as needful.

  29. Constantine Bogios

    Our oceans are filled with plastic bags – time to protect and preserve by eleminating the threat. No more plastic bags

  30. Barbara Hegedus

    STOP ENCASING OUR PLANET – LAND AND WATER – WITH PLASTIC! Start by charging for bags. But this is just a start. Politicians have to stop pandering to business and start making laws that see the big picture. The big picture, currently, is dismal. The people making plastic bags, straws, bottles and food containers have to change. The whole world is suffering from plastic pollution because of their product!

  31. Susan Vogt

    Single use bags are a scourge. They clog everything and break down into microplastic which never goes away. Banning them in other places shows it can be done and it will not hurt Mom and Pop stores with enough preparation and announcement. Being a positive leader is desperately needed these days!

  32. Michael Davis

    I urgently move for the banning of plastic bags in all 50 States. They are an anonymous pervasive thoughtless pollutant to our waters, seas, marine life and our rapidly striking environment.

    Thank you.

  33. Janet Reynolds

    Plastic bags fill landfills but many times they have made their way into oceans where they are eaten by sea life of all kinds and is fatal. We are custodians of the Earth with the responsibilty to protect our Earth and all life living on this Earth. We cannot disregard our responsibilites because by doing so we also put all living beings like us in danger of extinction.

  34. Cecelia Samp

    Humans have to stop being the cause of the destruction of our wildlife and earth. Eliminating plastic bags is a good start.

  35. Dale LaCognata

    Have the small business owners (mom and pop store owners) that Gov. Baker is so concerned about being impacted, have they been asked if they would be willing to make the sacrifice of giving up plastic for the “Greater Good”? Maybe they would even be good for their business.

  36. Johanna W.

    I grew up in MA, and now I raise a family in CA. We have the single use bag ban for grocery stores here in CA, and already you can visibly see less accidental pollution in our neighborhoods. Far less plastic blowing off the trash trucks and into the gutters. Our kids had a field trip to Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, and they said that most of their seal rescues and subsequent deaths are due to gut issues and other diseases caused by plastic bag film getting stuck in their intestines. The xrays they showed us were horrifying. The plastic bags in our gutters wash and drain straight into the ocean and into the mouths of every sea creature. The PMMC said that 100% of sea turtles tested have plastic bag film in their guts. All for the sake of human convenience.

  37. Kathleen Ray

    They have successfully done that here in Santa Fe, NM. It’s not a problem for anyone as there are so many reusable alternatives. Take steps now to help stop the pollution of our planet.

  38. Jamison Haase

    Plastic pollution is literally killing our oceans. If we don’t put a stop to this as soon as possible the planet will die.

  39. Gloria Picchetti

    We need to clean up the world of plastic and use it to build mini houses for the homeless. That will create jobs and boost the economy.

  40. Gloria S

    Humans have already caused such devastation to wildlife and marine animal populations. We owe these creatures that we share this planet with a solid commitment to mitigate the harm we have caused. Eliminating plastic bags is a very necessary first step. If we as humans can’t even accomplish that, there’s not a lot of hope for any living being.

  41. Scott Species

    plastic bags are killing wildlife. I assume that’s been known for a very long time. Because nothing has been done, the amount of plastic pollution has increased as has the killing. STOP IT

  42. Robin Vincent

    Plastic is killing our environment and the ocean and it’s inhabitants. We used paper straws as a kid and cloth bags. Well we need to go back to that before it’s too late!!!!

  43. Lee Harvey

    Massachusetts has so many wonderful residents who are leaders on this issue. Let’s make the state a leader too. It is so important to me, and my family’s future. Thank you.

  44. Nick

    This is a no-brainer. Plastic is everywhere you look — I spend a good part of my time picking it up from the sand and from in the water every time I visit a beach — or even go running and walking near my house. Plastic bags, straws, cups, six-pack rings, etc., are all a threat to the health of wildlife and to us (people!) as living, breathing organisms on the planet. The stuff takes forever to break down and then it gets into the air, the water, everything. One doesn’t need to be a scientist to understand this, just take a look around. Lets ban it sure, and then replace it with biodegradable alternatives. I’m sure “mom and pop” shops can help be part of the solution (starting by reusing existing bags) without going broke. This ain’t rocket science. We can do this!

  45. Mike Rolbeck

    “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” ― Jacques-Yves Cousteau

  46. Dean Sigler

    The next time you eat fish or other seafood, consider you might be ingesting the plastic which has migrated to our lakes and oceans and is eaten by sea creatures. At what point will the toxins which are part of all plastics overwhelm your immune system, or slowly reduce your lifespan?

  47. Dr. Shelley Sovola

    Single use plastic is destroying the earths eco system, and oceans.
    People must be encouraged to provide re-usable bags when shopping. Stores can have a recycling bin on site for return of bags. This is working at our local stores, who also sell inexpensive re-usable bags, everywhere. Also here the stores are charging extra for those single use bags. I see so many shoppers in our area bringing their own bags. It works. The oceans are suffering because of human impacts. This problem does have solutions, including education, and the above suggestions.

  48. Susan Ford

    My daughter has lived in South Boston for nearly a decade & we love visiting the beach by Castle Island & vacation in Cape Cod – banning plastics would protect the ocean environment that you are blessed to have & many of us pay to visit.

  49. Erin Yarrobino

    We do not need more than two bags each time we go to the grocery store. Beyond that, it is too much pollution. And furthermore, carrying a reusable is not any harder than carrying a disposable bag. Thank you.

  50. C. Jos Biviano

    I very much miss the days when governments encouraged civic duty. It made me feel proud and part of America. Instituting this law equals Massachusetts Strong. We need to see our strengths in more intrinsic ways other than fighting terrorism or attracting business. This is an opportunity for Massachusetts to encourage civic pride and unity with fellow state citizens to play an important part in making your commonwealth both beautiful and healthy. Then maybe backwater states like mine will follow your lead.

    1. Rob Moir, Ph.D. Post author

      Writing and talking with others is a civic duty. When people speak up, take a stand, or march, i am proud to see American democracy at work with many taking on their civic and moral responsibilities. I thank you for raising this issue and for participating in the practice.

  51. Robert Shippee

    Plastic is one of the biggest environmental problems we face. I was born in MA, still have family in MA and visit often. The Commonwealth can be a leader here.

  52. Sarah Stewart

    Plastic bags are terrible for all life in the ocean and much life on the land. Please ban them and people can re-use bags they carry with hem. This is what will have to happen eventually and let’s be ahead of the times and take action for the planet now!

  53. Marie

    Plastic is a huge threat to the environment and our health. Many countries in Europe have already made changes that are favoring the reduction of plastic use, why not in the US?

  54. Julia Berkowitz

    Plastic bags are chocking our oceans and our earth at large. Please ban plastic bags and have people opt for canvas bags and keep our planet healthy.



  56. Lourdes Garcia

    We have done it in California and it is working. We have the cutest fabric/canvas grocery bags, some made with recycled plastic water bottles. We share the planet, it is our responsibility to save it. WHat are we going to leave for future generations?

  57. Stephanie C. Fox

    We humans must learn to live with a little less convenience and a lot more regard for the health and safety of our ecosystem for species other than ourselves.

    Require us all to carry reusable bags. If the French can buy groceries that way, so can we.

  58. stephanie clark

    Please sign the bill:

    Plastic bags pollute our land and water and contributes to climate change. Plastic bags are harmful to wildlife and marine animals and humans.
    There are better alternatives. Please ban plastics.

  59. James Klein

    Living along the coast, I see the impact these briefly used bags have on marine life and shore birds. Living near six refineries, several of which make the plastic for these bags, I am appreciative of the debilitating influence of big money donors on our elected officials. Step away from the money long enough to pass this bill banning single-use plastic bags.

  60. Ray Fryer

    plastic bags seem to be everywhere I look along the roadways and are a danger to animals. Please ban them! We don’t need them with re-usable bags.

  61. Ashley Lewis

    Millions of pounds of plastics end up in our oceans and waterways every year, killing millions of sea animals, birds and other wildlife. Please take this important step in turning around the environmental disaster of single use plastics!

  62. Jon Anderholm

    Removing the pollution of plastic bags from our product chain will make a difference for healthier ocean and all the marine life that will thrive. Act for a more beautiful world to live in.

  63. Robin Schaef

    C. Jos Biviano on July 11, 2018 at 1:17 pm said it best. I will repost the eloquence of this writing to reflect my own ideology. Please be a leader of this much needed, overdue movement:
    “I very much miss the days when governments encouraged civic duty. It made me feel proud and part of America. Instituting this law equals Massachusetts Strong. We need to see our strengths in more intrinsic ways other than fighting terrorism or attracting business. This is an opportunity for Massachusetts to encourage civic pride and unity with fellow state citizens to play an important part in making your commonwealth both beautiful and healthy. Then maybe backwater states like mine will follow your lead.”

    Citizen of Pennsylvania.

  64. Dr. Angela Lambert

    The health of our ecosystem is vital to the health of our country. The amount of garbage from plastic bags and the effect on our animals, our roads, our parks, is out of control. We must do EVERYTHING to stop this downward spiral.

  65. Paula Rock

    We are killing our planet with trash, especially plastic. When are we going to start being conservers of the place we call home.

  66. Dr. James Lazell

    I am a professional biologist with a long career invested in conservation, much of it involving marine life, like sea turtles and other species detrimentally affected by plastics. I know first-hand just how terrible they can be.

  67. Noenoe Barney-Campbell


  68. Cynthia Patterson

    Thirty-two years from now, plastic in the ocean will weigh more than the fish.
    The “waste hierarchy” orders the priority of actions to reduce waste and reduce our carbon footprint. The first action is “Reduce”, followed by Reuse and Recycle. If less waste is generated, there is less to reuse or recycle.
    MA can lead the other states toward a plastic-free society.

  69. Nancy Burger

    Lots of awesome people in this state who truly care about the environment, I am proud to be one of them. We need to protect those who don’t have a voice – and also important not to be selfish and think about our children and future generations having a great world!

  70. Candace LaPorte

    In Massachusetts we throw away an estimated 2 billion plastic bags every year. This works out to be about 250 plastic bags per foot of Commonwealth shoreline.

    Plastic bag pollution is a deadly problem for aquatic and marine life, including sea turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Beachgoers frequently encounter plastic bag pollution.

    These thin-film plastic bags contain harmful toxins. They break down slowly, taking hundreds of years to fragment into micro-pieces that are nearly impossible to clean up and can contaminate drinking water.

  71. Patricia Dishman


  72. Dr. Bob

    We must make every effort to reduce plastic waste–which takes hundreds of years to biodegrade–and is poisoning our waterways and oceans. The time to act is now. If Trader Joe’s can put out biodegradable plastic bags at their stores, every other store can do the same. Stop plastic waste.

  73. Gloria C Grotjan

    Plastic bag pollution is a deadly problem for aquatic and marine life, including sea turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Beachgoers frequently encounter plastic bag pollution.

    These thin-film plastic bags contain harmful toxins. They break down slowly, taking hundreds of years to fragment into micro-pieces that are nearly impossible to clean up and can contaminate drinking water.

  74. Maria Martinez

    Plastic bags and other “disposable” plastic products are among the most pervasive and deadly of planet-destroying polluters. People use them and toss them with nary a second thought. They are ensnaring and choking birds, turtles, fishes and mammals. Their fragments, often too small to be seen, can be fatal when fishes perceive them as food. The remains of plastic bags, from wholes to shreds are scumming up coral reefs. Tiny shreds of plastic bags make beach sands less inhabitable for all the tiny crabs and small creatures in coastal habitats, which are food for local and migrating birds. This has gone on so long that it’s obvious that people are not going to dispose of the bags responsibly. So, the only solution is to ban then and BAN THEM NOW. Please enact this plastic pollution bill into law.

  75. B. Janet Bradshaw

    Americans are the most brutal of their surroundings and nature! People need to wake up and think about the world that exists outside of just the human race! It makes me sick how humans think they are the only living creature on earth that matters.!

  76. Lorraine Shirkus Moore

    I designed a reusable “earth matters” canvas grocery bag for our company Design Matters in 1988 which I continue to use today. It’s gratifying to see other people in the community dedicated to reducing wasteful trash. Here in Texas, the cities that have banned plastic grocery bags have been notified that they are breaking the law because of powerful lobbies. Don’t be like Texas. It’s very easy to get used to bringing your own bag.

  77. Maggie Schafer

    We are being charged for using plastic bags in Boulder, CO in large grocery chains and stores like Target, Walmart, etc. It is very successful! More and more people are bringing their own bags and we feel very good about it! The type of waste and destruction of the environment from plastic bags in inexcusable! Charging people seems to work better than banning them. People don’t want to pay for thrown away bags!

  78. Katherine Leahy

    Plastic is a scourge on the Earth. As a person with power and responsibility, I urge you to protect all life. Everything is connected.

  79. Marla Bottesch

    A State banning single-use plastic bags is such a weak, pitiful anti-pollution effort, that it makes me laugh at a Governor who is thinking of vetoing it. BUT, people, it is a first step and it will help stop further plastic pollution. What is happening in our oceans is disastrous. We are literally killing one of our most important sources of food and the balance of the ecosystem which supports all life. And now that we have nano-technology, that stuff is going right into everyone’s tissues. All sentient beings carry a body burden of all kinds of pollutants. We are the guinea pigs of the plastic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. All sentient life is affected by these industries. If this earth is to survive, this pollution must stop.

  80. Heather Dunford

    This is a common sense decision. Plastic bags are a major contributor to our massive pollution issues. We must ban their use now!

  81. Victoria Bustamante

    We must ban plastic bags to help the ocean and ocean creatures survive. The poor innocent ocean creatures are suffering or/and die because of it. Thank-you so very much.

  82. Temur Khakberdiev

    Mr. Governor sir,

    Please sign this bill into law so that Massachusets will lead by example again, as it did so often before.
    Go Massachusets – capital of the human capital!

  83. P Hickey

    Please reduce plastic waste, which will not decompose in our lifetime. Banning the use of these items forces green alternatives which will be biodegradable.

  84. Vivian Dowell

    Plastic bags kill many types of life, on sea and land. When we can do something to curtail needless suffering and death, we must do that!

  85. Bruni Boyden

    Plastic ruins wildlife and the environment. Please stop using it.
    I have seen fish with plastic bags in their gut. Thank you!

  86. Clare Hooson

    Plastic is clogging our oceans and wrecking our planet! Please! If we have no functioning planet, who cares about “mom and pop” stores? This kind of thinking is mis-guided. Here in CA we bring our own reusable bags to stores. It works beautifully.

  87. Andrea Snyder

    I have decreased my plastic use and I no longer use straws when I eat out at restaurants. I also bring my own bags when shopping. The horrible photos of sea life with straws in their noses or plastic embedded in their shells have made me want to help clean up our environment and oceans. Plastic is a huge contributor to the pollution that harms wildlife. Please reduce plastic bag pollution by passing this ban.

  88. Jan Scott

    Our planet is being consumed by plastic. There is no “Plan B” planet once we destroy this one and we’re already doing a heckuva job. Plastic and other materials of “convenience” impact wildlife, plant life, the ocean and other bodies of water, and the environment in general. Ditch all plastic to the extent possible in every state and every nation. Return to re-use of glass and unbleached paper that will quickly decompose.

  89. Maurita Bernet

    If we don’t want to DESTROY ALL LIFE on our precious Earth home, we MUST STOP putting plastic after plastic after plastic … into the earth. Anyone who thinks, listens at all, cares at all, knows, seems to me.

  90. Steve Ollove

    Please ban plastic bags. They have no redeeming qualities and serve as a means of water pollution that jeopardize fish. Paper is recyclable. Why not make the right choice?

  91. Vince

    Get rid of plastic bags, balloons, plastics on bottles, etc! Glass bottles can be used and the caps can be made of metal or something that will not cause the problems plastic does.

  92. Paula Fougere

    I am so tired of seeing plastic bags and lots of other single use plastic items in trees, all over our beaches, along our roads and attached to birds and other wildlife. It’s time for us to do the right thing and ban these items. Carrying a folded up bag in one’s pocket or purse really isn’t the burden so many fear. Grocery stores have returned to offering boxes for purchases, that can be reused and recycled. The Earth is drowning in plastic and it’s time to address this problem by banning single use plastics.

  93. Kay Randall

    Plastics are bad for our environment for a wide variety of reasons. They are bad for the creatures that have to deal with them in the ocean. They are bad for the human beings that they effect as well. They are endangering our planet and the ocean. They need to be banned.

  94. Chris Hazynski

    Plastic is killing the planet. We must act and there are easy, common sense solutions to be more green and sustainable.

  95. Lisa Blanck

    This administration is doing everything they can to dramaticaly increase pollution in our air, our land our food and our water. It’s up to individual state government to block them. Please help.

  96. jan Boudart

    We seem to be at war with the ocean fauna. Killing whales with sound and radiation, birds with loss of habitat and radiation, fish with plastic and radiation, turtles with plastic and radiation. Time to access a little humility and figure out another way to carry our groceries.

  97. Lorna Holmes

    Everywhere the plastic bag ban has been tried, it has worked, and it hasn’t hurt business. This includes Kauai here in Hawaii. It’s time to get on the case of finding renewables to replace the polluting fossil-fuel based products we use now.

  98. HBruce Raymond

    The above are all elegant duplications of anything I would offer to protest the destructive proliferation of plastic bags across our lands and throughout our seas and waterways. A ban of this kind might serve as a first, heroic step toward virtually eliminating the jettisoning of disposable plastic waste into the biosphere.

  99. Steve Uyenishi

    There are so many reasons for banning plastic bags. Many cities have already banned the use and it’s now routine.

  100. Joan Christensen

    It has been predicted in the not too distant future, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Please help stop this tragic scenario by banning single use plastic bags (and single use plastic water bottles while you are at it!)

  101. Billy Angus

    It’s time to use reusable cloth bags and
    do what it takes to get the mess cleaned up,
    ’cause if our wildlife becomes extinct,
    so will the same fate become of the human race!

    And when I leave Earth for the vast ocean of space,
    I will not return to this planet because of man’s arrogance,
    selfishness, and greed.

  102. a c

    These thin-film plastic bags contain harmful toxins. They break down slowly, taking hundreds of years to fragment into micro-pieces that are nearly impossible to clean up and can contaminate drinking water.
    Do not “express worry” over the bill. Pass it!! It is the best possible, responsible thing you can do during your time in government!!

  103. Lisa Ann Kelly & Family

    We have banned single-use plastic bags in California. If we can do it, the rest of the world can do it, too. Banning these single-use plastic bags will have only positive effect. I can testify that since our ban went into effect, here in Santa Barbara I have seen remarkably less plastic bag pollution on our beaches and city streets. It is so heartening. Please ban these bags now and help keep them out of our oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, populated areas and wilderness. Thank you.

  104. Stacy Green

    There was a time before plastics were ubiquitous. Remember paper straws and paper bags? Severely reducing our plastic consumption is the future; please join it.

  105. Diane Schwarz

    Our reliance and obsessive dependence on plastic is killing us and killing our fellow creatures on this planet! We do NOT need plastic and there are so many other options available to us. We need to decide and ACT NOW….and ACT SWIFTLY and with the FULL COMMITMENT of governmental and private sector organizations and industries at all level to rid ourselves of this scourge on the planet.

  106. Nanette Oggiono

    Plastic bag pollution is a deadly problem for aquatic and marine life, including sea turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Beachgoers frequently encounter plastic bag pollution. Please approve H.4324 Act Reducing Plastic Bag Pollution

  107. Shirley Schue

    Plastics kill sea birds, fish, dolphins, sea turtles and whales and most of the deaths come from plastic bags floating in the ocean that look like food . We can do better and stop these preventable deaths by banning plastic bags and straws. Thank you.

  108. Bridget Irons

    Each of us bears responsibility for the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Immediate and meaningful action is necessary to address the issue of plastic pollution. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  109. Kate Kenner

    Plastic bags may be cheap and convenient but besides being unsightly as they clog gutters and hang from trees or bushes they are literally killing marine life as well as the oceans they live in. People survived for thousands of years without plastic bags and I am pretty sure they can do so again. Animals should not ever suffer and/or die for the purposes or convenience of people.

  110. Dr. Eric Davis

    By 2050, the weight of plastics in our oceans will equal the weight of the fish and marine life. Plastic bags kill fish and wildlife which ingest it. Plastic bags are non-degradable and thus will continue to overwhelm our landfills. We owe it to our children and future generations not to to put convenience and profits ahead of preserving the environment, without which human civilization as we know it will not be able to sustain itself.

  111. George

    We need to prioritize our natural resources over convenience in the retail setting. Please approve H.4324 Act Reducing Plastic Bag Pollution.

  112. Irene Miller

    We are destroying our planet, and not slowly. Single use plastic will be the death of us and everything we hold dear. We must do what we can to minimize our impact, and reducing single use plastic will help.

  113. Ellen McConnell

    Stop single use plastic bags and bottles. They are hurting our oceans and marine life. This issue has become dire and needs approval of H-4324.

  114. dan richman

    If our oceans die, we die. And plastic is KILLING our oceans, even more than over-fishing. Please do everything you can to limit plastic use. The world is watching.

  115. joyce shiffrin


  116. Mary McKitrick

    We can all carry cloth bags – it is not an inconvenience (especially since those plastic bags also pile up in our homes and what are we to do with them all?). Plastic bags are only “good” for the corporations that make them, and corporations have a stranglehold on the U.S. Do the right thing and ban these single-use bags that are so bad for the environment.

  117. Robert Paquette

    The oceans are dying, and humans are the cause. Plastics will have to be discontinued, the sooner the better. Governor Baker, be on the right side of history. Be remembered as as righteous defender of the environment by future generations, not a corporate enabler.

  118. Ellen Koivisto

    Plastic kills. The oceans are dying. We depend on the oceans. If the oceans die, we die. Plastic is killing us. This isn’t high school geometry and proofs of theorems; this is much, much easier to understand.

  119. Silvana borrelli

    Please sign this bill. Plastic bags are strewn all over my neighborhood parks and trails along with our rivers and ocean. They do so much harm to our environment and animals for a long long time. We know better now and we need to be better stewards of this planet!

  120. Bronwen Evans

    I am in Favor of Bill H.4234: An Act Reducing Plastic Pollution Plastic bag pollution is a deadly problem for aquatic and marine life, including sea turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Beachgoers frequently encounter plastic bag pollution. Governor Baker please sign this bill into law.

  121. Renae McKeon

    Our grandparents and parents did not have plastic bags and they got along just fine. It will take a small adjustment, but once people get in the habit of bringing their own bags, think of what that will do for the planet and our marine wildlife. Not only that, people will fill the need and it will create jobs as they compete to sell their bags. I live right beside a field on the edge of town and when the wind blows, the field is littered with plastic bags and other trash. Imagine the plastic that is blown into the hundreds of miles of oceans along our coasts. Be a leader and do what is right; sign the bill to ban plastic bags!

  122. Andrea Smith

    Please protect the future of our environment and our health by banning single-use plastic bags and ALSO single-use water bottles! There are better substitutions available that are biodegradable and not toxic. Thank you!

  123. Ian Garman

    I have witnessed and experienced the success of the single-use ban of plastic bags in Santa Monica, CA. Please do the same as Santa Monica and ban single-use plastic bags, as well as single-use water bottles.

  124. Kristan McCully

    I had only to read about a whale that died on the beach and when an autopsy was performed a 250 lb ball of plastic bags was found in his stomach that had prevented him from eating. So this beautiful creature starved to death and was washed on shore as a result of our inappropriate disposal of plastic bags.
    Just think what the impact this bill would halve and hopefully others like it to reduce a slow death by plastic in our oceans.

  125. Peter Beves

    At a time when “sustainability” is coming into its own, it should be obvious that non-biodegradable, single-use, throw away products are least sustainable of all. To the tax payer this should be a wake up call. We pay for the landfills overflowing with throw away plastic goods and will continue to pay for them long in maintenance/monitoring costs after they are retired. Convenience always has a price. In the case of single use plastics like straws, coffee cups, bags, etc. this price is unacceptable.

  126. Deborah Coviello

    There is no reason at all that a ban on single-use plastic bags should hurt small businesses. I am a reusable-bag user myself. I bring them in to EVERY store – large or small. We all need to get into the habit of doing so. We only have this one change to save earth.

  127. Ruth Zemek

    Poor choices now will damage the environment for decades to come. We need to prioritize health of the planet and its inhabitants over profits for a few humans.

  128. Charles Akexander

    Plastic is all over the place ! I see it daily, littering our streets, parking lots, and gutters both suburban and urban. A lot of it looks very dirty, meaning it has laid there a long, long time. And it will, without a doubt, be there for a very long time. Even if it’s removed and put in a landfill.

  129. Nicole Shaffer

    The moments of convenience that plastic bags provide are not worth the long term degradation of the planet and her wildlife.

  130. Joseph Quirk

    The time to act is now. Plastics are having a devastating effect on the oceans. Delaying will only exasperate an already dangerous situation.

  131. j p

    Plastic bag contamination throughout our environment is one of the leading human-induced forms of pollution – let’s stop being toxins on the face of our one and only planet!

  132. buzz

    Pollution, in all its forms, will effect each and every person. Plastic bags are a curse for the environment, animals and humans. A simple solution is carry a foldable bag as they do in many other countries. End of the plastic bag problem.

  133. Bridget Irons

    It’s been said that we are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to. We don’t. Each of us must do our part to stop abusing the planet with plastic.

  134. Francie Fillatti

    When you make this happen, the people will adjust and you will have done a great thing for the planet! Please do this.

  135. Natalia Voegele

    We need to use corn plastic bags or reusable materials. Fish and sharks are dying because they think they are other fish. Help us by keeptin plastics out of our beautiful oceans where so many wonderful mammals and fish thrive.

  136. O P Ratra

    Plastics are inert substances that do not produce harmful reactions. Indiscriminate littering on ground, riversides, even the ocean calls for behavioural changes, changing the habits of consumers. Plastic waste management should be more disciplined to support recycling centers in several countries. This informal sector provides livelihoods to millions of people. …O P Ratra (India)

  137. Rebecca Gardner

    I was surprised when I read that plastic bags take hundreds of years to biodegrade. My sister and were talking about what small changes we can start making in our lives to become more eco-friendly. Thanks for sharing this article and giving me the idea to get reusable grocery bags for us to use!

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